Awards, Honours & Major Grants

To Lab Team Members:

2024: Madeleine receives a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship from the 'MCSP Medical Scientist Track' program of LMU Munich.

2024: Haohan receives a DAAD PhD scholarship for his PhD research.

2024: Janina receives a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship from the 'MCSP Medical Scientist Track' program of LMU Munich.

2023: Johanna has been awarded the Best Abstract Award 2023 in the category 'best method' (LMU Medical Faculty, DoktaMed).

2023: Madeleine has been awarded as Young Investigator Award Winner 2023 in the 10th Cardiac Regeneration & Vascular Biology Conference.

2023: Janina has been awarded as Poster Competition Winner 2023 in the 10th Cardiac Regeneration & Vascular Biology Conference. 

2021 - 2023: Madeleine has been elected as a student representative of the graduate programme IRTG914.


To Jörg Renkawitz:

since 2025: Principal Investigator in the 2nd funding period of  the DFG priority program SPP2332 'Physics of Parasitism'.

2024: Featured in ‘Cell Scientists to Watch’ series by the Journal of Cell Science.

2022 - 2024: Principal Investigator in the 1st funding period of  the DFG priority program SPP2332 'Physics of Parasitism'.

since 2020: Member of the 'EMBO Scientific Exchange Grants' Advisory Board.

2019: Life Science Research Award Austria (category Basic Research).

2019 - 2023: Principal Investigator in the 3rd funding period of the DFG Collaborative Research Center CRC914 'Leukocyte trafficking'PI project A12.

2018 - 2024: Endowed ‘Peter Hans Hofschneider Professor for Molecular Medicine’.

2015 - 2017: EMBO postdoctoral fellowship.

2014 - 2015: ISTFELLOW postdoctoral fellowship, Marie-Curie COFUND.

2013: Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry Junior Research Award.

2013: PhD ‘summa cum laude’.

2009 - 2012: PhD fellowship of the Boehringer-Ingelheim-Fonds (BIF).

2008 - 2013: International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS).

Current Funding

SPP2332 (DFG Priority Programme) „Physics of Parasitism (PoP)“

(since 2022)

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

(since 2024)

MCSP, LMU Medical Faculty

(since 2024)

LMUexcellent Investment Fund

(since 2024)

Previous Funding

Endowed ‘Peter Hans Hofschneider Professorship for Molecular Medicine’, Foundation Experimental Biomedicine 


SFB914 (Collaborative Research Center CRC914, DFG)„ Trafficking of Immune Cells in Inflammation, Development and Disease“

(3rd & last funding period; 2019-2023)

LMUexcellent Junior Investigator Fund


Friedrich Baur Foundation


"Verein zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung an der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU München e.V."


EMBO postdoctoral fellowship


ISTFELLOW postdoctoral fellowship, Marie-Curie Cofund  


Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD fellowship
